• +62 251-8626602
  • ilmu_ekonomi@apps.ipb.ac.id
  • Jl. Raya Dramaga Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor 16680 West Java, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Budiman Hakim, M.A.Ec


Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Budiman Hakim, M.A.Ec

Sarjana: 1988 Georg-August Universitaet Goettingen Germany

Agricultural Economics

Magister: 1994 Agricultural Economics

Agricultural Economics

Doktor: 2004 Georg-August Universitaet Goettingen Germany

International Trade

  1. Bank Failure Prediction Model Based on Governance: A Case of Rural Banks in Indonesia (2019).
  2. Strategy for Non-Performing Financing Management in Sharia Banks Based on Economic Sector of Financing (2019).
  3. Integrasi pasar karet alam Indonesia dengan pasar dunia Indonesian (2019).
  4. Constructing a predicting model for JCI return using adaptive network-based Fuzzy Inference System (2019).
  5. Determinants of Islamic Bank Non-Performing Financing by Financing Contract (Case Study: Bank BRIsyariah Private Company) (2019).
  6. Efisiensi dan Produktivitas Perbankan Sebelum dan Setelah Krisis Keuangan (2019).
  7. Analisis Dampak Kebijakan Beras Sejahtera dan Kebijakan Program Bantuan Non Tunai terhadap Titik Ekuilibrium Rumahtangga Miskin di Indonesia (2019).
  8. Typology and inequality between island clusters and development areas in Maluku Province (2019).
  9. Modeling Price Volatility and Supply Response of Beef in Indonesia (2019).
  10. Analysis of External and Internal Factors Influence on Islamic Bank Nonperforming Financing (Case Study: Bank Brisyariah Private Company (2020).
  11. Estimating asymmetric price transmission in the Indonesian beef market. (2020).
  12. Analysis of Banking Efficiency in Indonesia (Case Study in General Banks of Business Activities Level 2 Go Public) (2020).
  13. Trade Creation dan Trade Diversion Indonesia dengan AANZFTA pada Komoditas Garam (2020).
  14. Transmisi Harga Beras di Indonesia: Pendekatan Threshold Cointegration (2020).
  15. Impact of economic growth on regional development in Jambi Province (2020).
  16. The Role of Rice’s Price in the Household Consumption in Indonesia (2020).
  17. Transmisi Harga Karet Alam Indonesia dengan Pasar Internasional Singapura (2020).
  18. Adaptive Financing pattern for small scale Fisheries With case study of Paje Ko Fisheries in Bit Ung (2020).
  19. Integrasi Pasar Kopi Robusta Lampung dengan Pasar Bursa London (2020).
  20. Determinant analysis of net interest margin and banking profitability in Indonesia International (2020).
  21. Competitive Structure and Technical Efficiency of Banking Industry in Indonesia (2020).
  22. The Impact of Special Autonomy Funds on Poverty of Human Development and Unemployment in Aceh (2020).
  23. Does Acquisition Improve Indonesian Bank Financial Performance (2020).
  24. Analysing food consumption in Indonesia International (2020).
  25. Factors Affecting Farmers in Adopting VUB Rice Seeeds in Cianjur Regency West Java (2020).
  26. Determinants affecting profitability and stock returns for smaller banks listed on the Indonesia stock exchange (2020).
  27. The effect of crude oil price shocks on Indonesia stock market performance (2020).
  28. Meningkatkan Quality Assurance Pada Satuan Pengawasan Internal Perum Jasa Tirta di Jatiluhur (2020).
  29. Entrepreneurial Activities and Performance of Rice Farming in Bojongpicung Sub-District, Cianjur Regency European (2020).
  30. Determining rice production and distribution in Aceh province (2021).
  31. Crude Oil Price Movement and Stock Market Trading Activity: Evidence from Indonesia (2021).
  32. World Oil Price Changes and Inflation in Indonesia: A Nonparametric Regression Approach (2021).
  33. Integrasi Pasar Ayam Broiler di Sentra Produksi Dan Pasar Indonesia (2021).
  34. Analisis Elastisitas Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Indonesia (2021).
  35. Determinant Factors Affecting Efficiency Intermediation and Production Approach (Case Study: Bank Buku II Go Public in Indonesia) (2021).
  36. Strategies For Increasing MSME Credit Growth in Regional Development Banks in Emerging Countries: Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach (2021).
  37. Market Structure, Income Diversity, and Stability: Empirical Study of Banking Industry Indonesia (2021).
  38. Analysis of Strategic Variabel for Development of the Indonesia–Papua New Guinea Border Area (2022).
  39. The Effect of Systematic and Fundamental Factors on The Valuation of Cement Manufacturers in Indonesia (2022).
  40. Analysis of Entrepreneurship Activities in Rice Farming (2022).
  41. Local Goverment Fiscal Risk Monitoring: Case Study in Bogor and Merauke Districts (2022)
  42. An Identification of a Spatial Interaction Towards Rice Import in Selected ASEAN+ 3 Countries (2022).
  43. Strategi Peningkatan Pajak Restoran pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Bogor (2022).
  44. Determinants of Credit Growth for MSME Financing in Bank DKI in Jakarta Province (2022).
  45. Pengaruh Asimetris Nilai Tukar Rupiah terhadap Nilai Ekspor Sektor Pertanian Indonesia (2022).
  46. Implementation of Capm, Fama-French Three-Factor, and Five-Factor in Indonesia Stock Exchange and Cement Industry Sector (2022).
  47. Classification and Prediction of Rural Socio-Economic Vulnerability (IRSV) Integrated with Social-Ecological System (SES) (2022).
  48. Analysis Of Factors Influencing Thai Rice Trade Based on Gravity Model (2022).
  1. Indonesia Agricultural Economist Association
  2. Indonesia Economist Society
  3. ASEAN International Trade and Finance