• +62 251-8626602
  • ilmu_ekonomi@apps.ipb.ac.id
  • Jl. Raya Dramaga Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor 16680 West Java, Indonesia

Dr. Lukytawati Anggraeni, S.P., M.Si


Dr. Lukytawati Anggraeni, S.P., M.Si

‪Google Scholar‬

Sarjana: 2000 Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

Ekonomi Pertanian

Magister: 2003 Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

Ekonomi Pertanian

Doktor: 2009 Agricultural and Resource Economics, Tokyo University Japan

Ekonomi Pembangunan

  1. The Impact of Fiscal and Monetary Policies on the Real Sector under Globalization, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (2022).
  2. The Economy of Indonesia: Driven by Physical or Human Capital (2022).
  3. An Assessment of the Short-Term Impact of COVID-19 on Economics and Environment: A Case Study of Indonesia (2021).
  4. Does Digital Readiness Affect Economic Growth (2021).
  5. Factors Influencing Labor Participation in the Pre-Employment Program (2021).
  6. Analysis of Creative Industries Development in Indonesia (2020).
  7. Determinan Financial Distress Perusahaan Subsektor Ritel di Bursa efek Indonesia (2020).
  8. Optimalisasi Portofolio Kredit untuk Perencanaan Ekspansi Kredit pada Perbankan Nasional (2020).
  9. Inequality in Indonesia’s Electricity Access (2019).
  10. Financial distress, macroeconomics factors and its effect towards stock price in mining companies operating in the coal subsector registered in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (2019).
  11. Impact of Capital Structure and Firm Financial Performance on firm value: Evidence of Agribusiness firms in Indonesia Stock Exchange (2019).
  12. Analysis of Efficiency and Productivity of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia (2021).
  13. The Effect of Bond Characteristics, Financial Performance, and Macro Variables on Return of Corporate Bond in Agribusiness Sector (2019).
  14. Efisiensi dan Produktivitas Perbankan Sebelum dan Setelah Krisis Keuangan (2019).
  15. Significant Impact of Working Capital and Macroeconomics Condition on Profitability in Property Industry (2019).
  16. Optimization of Investment Portfolio Performancec (Case Study PT Asuransi Jiwa Taspen) (2019).
  17. Inequality in Indonesia Electricity Access (2019).
  18. Impact of PUAP Programs against Rice Farmers Income in Kupang District of East Nusa Tenggara Province (2019).
  19. Analysis of Creative Industries Development in Indonesia (2019).
  20. Impact of Finansial Inclusion based on Income Group (2019).
  21. Respon Return Pasar Modal Indonesia terhadap Kebijakan Moneter Domestik dan Asing (2018).
  22. Testing of Market Efficiency of Cacao Commodity for the Futures Market in Jakarta Stock Exchange (2018).
  1. Village Empowerment Project to Promote Sustainable Community Development Through Innovative Integration of Science and Technology (2019).
  2. Low Carbon Development of Bogor City (2019).
  3. The impact of Covid 19 to Banten Province Economy (2020).
  4. Dampak Asuransi Ekspor terhadap Kinerja Sektoral dan Kesejahteraan (2021).
  5. Dampak Pandemi Covid terhadap perekonomian Provinsi Banten (2021).
  6. Food, Agriculture and Landuse (2021).
  7. The Role of Services to Development of Agriculture Sectors and Agroindustry (2021).
  8. The Role of Property Tax Incentives to Indonesian Economy (2021).
  9. Review of Long-Term National Development Planning (2021).
  10. Dampak Perubahan Iklim terhadap Perekonomian DKI Jakarta (2022).
  11. Deep Decarbonization Pathway (2022).
  12. Efektivitas Sistem Resi Gudang terhadap Produksi dan Kesejahteraan Petani (2022).
  1. International South East Asia Agricultural Science Association- ISAAS (member)
  2. Agricultural Economic Society of Japan- AESJ (member)
  3. Indonesia Agricultural Science Association- IASA (Vice General Secretary 2006-2008)
  4. Agricultural Economist of Indonesia-Perhepi (member)
  5. International Regional Science Association-IRSA (member)
  6. Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia-ISEI (member)

JSPS-DG-RS The Joint Research Project between NIES-Japan and CCROM-Bogor Agricultural University. Low Carbon Development.